FLW Chair Designs

A great place to see, and photography Arts and Crafts furniture at close range, is the Virginia Museum of Fine Art in Richmond, VA; I recently visited VMFA to do just that. Their Arts and Crafts furniture is nicely nestled within the broad theme of VMFA’s Sydney and Frances Lewis Collection’s Art Deco and Art Nouveau collection located on the third floor in the Lewis Galleries.  While there are only two rooms of exhibits, it is a well-rounded representation of American and British Arts and Crafts furniture. There are exceptional pieces from Gustav Stickley, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Greene & Greene on display.

Charles Rohlfs Octagonal Cabinet Gustav Stickley Inlayed Cube ChairRoycrofters Bookcase

VMFA’s Arts and Crafts furniture collection is noteworthy because of it’s breadth. Displayed pieces include works from Charles Rohlfs, Gustav Stickley, Frank Lloyd Wright, Greene & Greene, and the Roycrofters. On the British side several pieces from Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Edward Godwin, and Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo are available for viewing. While most of what they have is on display, there are some pieces in storage. The curator, Barry Shifman, periodically rotates different pieces through their exhibits. The pieces not on display during my visit include a Gustav Stickley bookcase, a Charles Rohlfs Rocking chair and a Louis Brohout sideboard.

CR Mackintosh Argyle ST Tearoom Chair CR Mackintosh Hill House Armchair Gustav Stickley Tall-case Clock


The Virginia Museum of Fine Art is a great place to draw inspiration for building arts and crafts inspired furniture, or to broaden your general knowledge of arts and crafts furniture. As with most permanent collections non-flash photography is acceptable. When planning your visit, if your interested in learning what is on display you can contact Barry at 804-340-1613 or via email at barry.shifman@vmfa.museum.